4 Mart 2021 Perşembe

Wir rühren uns. Womit? ... / Rainer Maria Rilke

Für Marina Zwetajewa

Wir rühren uns. Womit? Mit Flügelschlägen,
mit fernen selber rühren wir uns an.
Ein Dichter einzig lebt, und dann und wann
Kommt der ihn trägt, dem, der ihn trug, entgegen.

Rainer Maria Rilke

(Val-Mont Glion, Canton Vaud, Switzerland, Mai 1926)

"In a sense, there is "one poet" who expresses the nature of being and world and all who respond share in
this nature. When in the last year of his life he sent a copy of the Duino Elegies to Marina Tsvetayeva, the
Russian poetess, he wrote on the flyleaf:(1)"

For Marina Ivanovna Tsvetayeva

We touch each other. How? With wings that beat,
With very distance touch each other's ken,
One poet only lives, and now and then
Who bore him, and who bears him now, will meet.(2)

Rainer Maria Rilke

(Val-Mont Glion, Canton Vaud, Switzerland, May 1926)

(1) THE POETRY AND SPIRITUALITY OF RAINER MARIA RILKE. Compiled and with introduction and some translation by Arthur Freeman. Moravian Theological Seminary Bethlehem, PA.

(2) Yevgeny Pasternak, Yelena Pasternak and Konstantin M. Azadovsky, Boris Pasternak, Marina Tsvetayeva , Rainer Maria Rilke: Letters Summer 1926, transl. by Margaret Wettlin and Walter Arndt (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book, 1985), p. 27.

Rilke to Tsvetaeva

We touch from afar. But how? With airborne
brushes our beating wings stir each other.
Poets live alone. Sometimes another
one comes forth, one who bears what we have borne.

Rainer Maria Rilke

(Val-Mont Glion, Canton Vaud, Switzerland, May 1926)


Rainer Maria Rilke


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