20 Ağustos 2023 Pazar

For the Sake of a Single Poem / Rainer Maria Rilke

For the Sake of a Single Poem

Ah, poems amount to so little when you write them too early in your life. You ought to wait and gather sense and sweetness for a whole lifetime, and a lone one if possible, and then, at the very end, you might perhaps be able to write ten good lines. For poems are not, as people think, simply emotions (one has emotions early enough)—they are experiences.

For the sake of a single poem, you must see many cities, many people and Things, you must understand animals, must feel how birds fly, and know the gesture which small flowers make when they open in the morning. You must be able to think back to streets in unknown neighborhoods, to unexpected encounters, and to partings you had long seen coming; to days of childhood whose mystery is still unexplained, to parents whom you had to hurt when they brought in a joy and you didn’t pick it up (it was a joy meant for somebody else—); to childhood illnesses that began so strangely with so many profound and difficult transformations, to days in quiet, restrained rooms and to mornings by the sea, to the sea itself, to seas, to nights of travel that rushed along high overhead and went flying with all the stars, and it is still not enough to be able to think of all that.

You must have memories of many nights of love, each one different from all the others, memories of women screaming in labor, and of light, pale, sleeping girls who have just given birth and are closing again. But you must also have been beside the dying, must have sat beside the dead in the room with the open window and the scattered noises. And it is not yet enough to have memories. You must be able to forget them when they are many, and you must have the immense patience to wait until they return. For the memories themselves are not important. Only when they have changed into our very blood, into glance and gesture, and are nameless, no longer to be distinguished from ourselves—only then can it happen that in some very rare hour the first word of a poem arises in their midst and goes forth from them.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Translated by Stephen Mitchell / (The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke)

Photo by @wauba

Te desnudas igual / Jaime Sabines

Te desnudas igual

Te desnudas igual que si estuvieras sola
y de pronto descubres que estás conmigo.
¡Cómo te quiero entonces
entre las sábanas y el frío!

Te pones a flirtearme como a un desconocido
y yo te hago la corte ceremonioso y tibio.
Pienso que soy tu esposo
y que me engañas conmigo.

¡Y como nos queremos entonces en la risa
de hallarnos solos en el amor prohibido!
(Después, cuando pasó, te tengo miedo
y siento un escalofrío.)

Jaime Sabines

You undress yourself

You undress yourself as if you were alone
and suddenly you discover you are with me.
How I love you then
between the bed sheets and the cold!

You flirt with me as with a stranger
and I court you, ceremonious and lukewarm.
I think I am your husband
and you are unfaithful to me.

How we love each other then in the laughter
of finding ourselves alone in prohibited love!
(Afterwards, when it is over, I am afraid of you
and I shiver.)

Jaime Sabines

Translation by Carlos Ochoa

Photo by Mecuro B Cotto

15 Ağustos 2023 Salı

Trueque / Mario Benedetti


Me das tu cuerpo patria y yo te doy mi río
tú noches de tu aroma / yo mis viejos acechos
tú sangre de tus labios / yo manos de alfarero
tú el césped de tu vértice / yo mi pobre ciprés

me das tu corazón ese verdugo
y yo te doy mi calma esa mentira
tú el vuelo de tus ojos / yo mi raíz al sol
tú la piel de tu tacto / yo mi tacto en tu piel

me das tu amanecida y yo te doy mi ángelus
tú me abres tus enigmas / yo te encierro en mi azar
me expulsas de tu olvido / yo nunca te he olvidado
te vas te vas te vienes / me voy me voy te espero.

Mario Benedetti ~ "El amor, las mujeres y la vida" (1995)


Mi dai il tuo corpo patria e io ti do il mio fiume
tu notti del tuo aroma / io i miei vecchi agguati
tu sangue delle tue labbra / io mani da vassaio
tu il cespuglio della tua collina / io il mio povero cipresso

mi dai il tuo cuore quel carnefice
e io ti do la mia calma questa bugia
tu il volo dei tuoi occhi / io la mia radice al sole 
tu la pelle del tuo tatto / io il mio tatto sulla tua pelle

mi dai la tua Alba e io ti do il mio vespro
tu mi apri i tuoi misteri / io ti chiudo nel mio caos
mi espelli dal tuo oblio / io mai ti ho dimenticato
te ne vai te ne vien / io me ne vado e ti aspetto.

Mario Benedetti ~ "L'amore, le donne e la vita" (1995)


Bana bedenini verdin memleketimi ve ben de nehrimi veriyorum sana
sen kendi rayihandan geceleri / ben eski takiplerimi 
sen dudaklarındaki kanı / ben cömlekçi ellerimi 
sen zirvelerindeki çimeni / ben zavallı servilerimi

bana yüreğimi veriyorsun şu celladı
sana sükunetimi veriyorum şu yalanı 
sen gözlerinin uçuşunu / ben güneşe inen kökümü
sen dokunuştaki tenini / ben tenindeki dokunuşumu

sen bana gün doğumunu veriyorsun ben de sana sabah duamı
sen bana kendi muammalarımı açıyorsun / ben seni kendi kaderime kapatıyorum 
sen beni unutuşlarından dışlıyorsun / ben seni hiç unutmadım ki
gidiyor gidiyor geliyorsun / gidiyor gidiyor seni bekliyorum.

Mario Benedetti

İspanyolcadan çeviren Bülent Kale

(Aşk Kadınlar ve Hayat / Ayrıntı Yayınları / Birinci Basım: İstanbul, Eylül 2015)

Unknown photographer

13 Ağustos 2023 Pazar

Henry and June / Anaïs Nin

"There are two ways to reach me: by way of kisses or by way of the imagination. But there is a hierarchy: the kisses alone don't work."

Anaïs Nin ~ (Henry and June)

"Ci sono due modi di arrivare fino a me: con i baci o con l'immaginazione. Ma c'è una gerarchia: i baci da soli non funzionano."

Anaïs Nin ~ (Henry e June)

"Il y a deux façons de me séduire : par les baisers ou par l'imagination. Mais il y a une hiérarchie : les baisers seuls ne marchent pas."

Anaïs Nin ~ (Henry et June)

"Hay dos maneras de llegar a mí: por medio de besos o por medio de la imaginación. Pero hay una jerarquía: los besos por sí solos no funcionan."

Anaïs Nin ~ (Henry y June)

Model Olga Kobzar shot by Dima Ignatov

10 Ağustos 2023 Perşembe

Delta Of Venus / Anaïs Nin

"The most haunting woman is the one we cannot find in the crowded café when we are looking for her, the one that we must hunt for, and seek out through the disguises of her stories."

Anaïs Nin ~ (Delta Of Venus: Erotica by Anaïs Nin)

"La mujer más obsesiva es aquella que no puede encontrarse en el café atestado donde uno la está buscando, aquella que debemos cazar y perseguir a través de los disfraces que adopta en sus historias."

Anaïs Nin ~ (Delta de Venus)

"La donna più attraente è quella che non riusciamo mai a trovare in un caffè affollato, quando la cerchiamo, è quella a cui si deve dare la caccia, e scovare sotto i travestimenti delle sue storie."

Anaïs Nin ~ (Il delta di Venere)

"En çekici kadın, onu aradığımızda kalabalık bir kafede bulamayacağımız, öykülerindeki gizler aracılığıyla arayıp bulmamız, yakalamamız gereken kadındır."

Anaïs Nin ~ (Venüs Üçgeni)

My edit: Monica Bellucci

Into the Wild / Jon Krakauer

"Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past."

Jon Krakauer ~ (Into the Wild)

"Algunas personas sienten que no merecen el amor. Ellos se alejan silenciosamente en espacios vacíos, tratando de cerrar las brechas del pasado."

Jon Krakauer ~ (Hacia Rutas Salvajes)

"Ci sono persone convinte di non meritare l'amore. Loro si allontanano in silenzio dentro spazi vuoti, cercando di chiudere le brecce al passato."

Jon Krakauer ~ (Nelle natura selvaggia)

Photo by Gabriel Guerrero Caroca

9 Ağustos 2023 Çarşamba

Instead of telling me I'm sexy, / ©Jolanta Liza K

Instead of telling me I'm sexy,
tell me I'm beautiful.
And instead of asking if I will go to bed with you,
ask if I'll let you take me to the end of the world.
Then I will give myself to you without doubts....

©Jolanta Liza K

Olga Kobzar for Playboy.
Shot by Ana Dias

It's that time when it's warm, / ©Jolanta Liza K

It's that time when it's warm, when the sun gets close, the mornings bring the scent of summer and the evenings allow you to catch your breath. It's not hard to love life in the summer, because it's the time of year when you can usually stop time. If only for a moment...

©Jolanta Liza K

Olga Kobzar for Playboy. Shot by Ana Dias

I still a moment. / ©Jolanta Liza K

I still a moment.
I'll wait for you.
And then...
I'll wait one more moment.
And every moment after that.
I will also wait.
On you.

©Jolanta Liza K

Photo by Federica Ella

6 Ağustos 2023 Pazar

Versos Orgásmicos / ©Claudia Fontena

Versos Orgásmicos

Quiero que dibujes con tú boca cada parte de mi piel....
Tú lengua esculpa mis montes....
Tus dedos el cincel....
Juega con mis curvas, dame placer...
Se mi Donatello.....
Usame bien....
Aprovecha mi lienzo....
se derrama de miel....
Dame de tú néctar....
Usalo también...
Moja mis labios sedientos por él....
Marca mi carne ....
Hazme enloquecer...
Aún no uses tú miembro....
Talla  mi piel...
Usa mis sentidos....
Moja mi cuerpo
Sacudelo sobre él...
Frota tú néctar
Dame de comer...

©Claudia Fontena

Lidia Savoderova by Ivan Warhammer

5 Ağustos 2023 Cumartesi

Un rostro... no muestra tú realidad / ©Claudia Fontena

Un rostro... no muestra tú realidad
Te maquillas y ya está...
Oculta la tristeza qué has de llevar...
Un lindo labial y lista está...
Luego sonríes sin mirar atrás....

Pero dime tú, hombre que sufriendo estás!
Como ocultas tú realidad?
No hay maquillajes ni labial...
Debes continuar y tus lágrimas tragar
Debes ser fuerte ante la sociedad....
Una mochila grande que cargar
Pues no se te permite mostrar frágilidad

Grita sin parar, nuestros lamentos nadie los escuchará....
Tendremos qué seguir...
En esta película sin fin...

Ambos protagonistas...
Queriendo huir
A un mundo virtual...
Qué es frio en fin....

Acompañados están
Por personas que no saben amar
Pues solo quieren ver
Otro capítulo por contar...

Ven y huyamos a la realidad...
Este mundo nos quiere acabar
Sigamos fingiendo
Nuestros lamentos...
en esta fria realidad.

©Claudia Fontena

Photo by Federica Ella

4 Ağustos 2023 Cuma

Cierra tus ojos... / ©Claudia Fontena

Cierra tus ojos...
Siente la brisa en tú rostro...
Imagina qué te beso
Dónde estés el viento será tú compañia...
Volarán mis caricias...
Tocarán tú cuerpo...
Quisiera huir de esta selva de cemento...
Ir en busca de mi paraíso perfecto...
Correr descalza...
Olvidar los conceptos....
Ser libre un momento...
Ir a tú encuentro...
Soy solitaria, no es un defecto
Siento qué es perfecto....
Puedo irme sin pretextos...
Dar un saltó de fe por lo qué siento
Dejar de huir...
Ya es él momento....

©Claudia Fontena

Isabeli Fontana for Lui Magazine,
September 2016, by Eduardo Rezende

3 Ağustos 2023 Perşembe

Il tempo invecchia in fretta / Antonio Tabucchi

"Pensò ai venti della vita, perché ci sono venti che accompagnano la vita: lo zefiro soave, il vento caldo della gioventù che poi il maestrale si incarica di rinfrescare, certi libecci, lo scirocco che accascia, il vento gelido di tramontana. Aria, pensò, la vita è fatta d’aria, un soffio e  e del resto anche noi non siamo nient’altro che un soffio, respiro, poi un giorno la macchina si ferma e il respiro finisce." 

Antonio Tabucchi ~ (brano tratto da "iI tempo invecchia in fretta")

.... perché il mio vento preferito è il maestrale quello che rinfresca oggi la mia vita. È il vento perfetto e stiano.lontani il più possibile il libeccio e lo scirocco che portano solo sciagure di caldo , umidità e senso di immobilità. Voglio vivere avvolta nel maestrale e quando dovrà cambiare vento, gelida tramontana sia...."un soffio.e via !

©Maria Emanuela Pagani

"He thoughts of the winds in life, because there are winds that accompany life: the soft zephyr, the warm wind of youth that later the mistral takes upon itself to cool down, certain southwesterly winds, the sirocco that weakens you, the icy mistral. Air, he thought, life is made of air, a breath and that’s it, and after all we too are nothing but a puff, a breath, then one day the machine stops and that breath ends."

Antonio Tabucchi ~ (Message from the Shadows: Selected Stories)

Translators: Janice M. Thresher, Tim Parks.

"Pensó en los vientos de la vida, porque hay vientos que acompañan la vida: el céfiro suave, el viento cálido de la juventud que más tarde el maestral se encarga de refrescar, ciertos ábregos, el siroco que te abate, el viento gélido de tramontana. Aire, pensó, la vida está hecha de aire, un soplo y ya está, y por lo demás tampoco nosotros dejamos de ser soplo, aliento, nada más; después, un día, la máquina se detiene y el aliento se termina."

Antonio Tabucchi ~ (El tiempo envejece deprisa)

Isabeli Fontana for Lui Magazine, September 2016,
by Eduardo Rezende