29 Mart 2020 Pazar

Rima XLI / Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer


Tú eras el huracán, y yo la alta
torre que desafía su poder.
¡Tenías que estrellarte o que abatirme...!
        ¡No pudo ser!

Tú eras el océano; y yo la enhiesta
roca que firme aguarda su vaivén.
¡Tenías que romperte o que arrancarme...!
        ¡No pudo ser!

Hermosa tú, yo altivo; acostumbrados
uno a arrollar, el otro a no ceder;
la senda estrecha, inevitable el choque...
        ¡No pudo ser!

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

(Libro de los gorriones (nº26) / Rimas. Edición 1871)


You were the hurricane and I the tall
tower that defies its force:
You had to demolish me or be shattered!
It couldn't be!

You were the ocean and I the lofty
rock that steadfastly awaits its advance and retreat:
You had to uproot me or be crushed! ...
It couldn't be!

You beautiful, I arrogant; accustomed
one to sweep away, the other not to yield:
the path narrow, the collision inevitable ...
It couldn't be!

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Translated by H. Landman


You were the total storm, and I the high
tower that defied it.
Either you blew yourself out, or else you demolished me...
It could not be!

You were the ocean, and I the lofty
rock that wouldn't be rocked.
Either you broke on me or else you ripped me out...
It could not be!

You were gorgeous and I was haughty; accustomed
the one to sweep away, the other to stand fast;
narrow the field, inevitable the shock...
It could not be!

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer


Tu eri l'uragano e io l'alta
torre che sfida il suo potere:
dovevi schiantarti o abbattermi...
Non è potuto essere!

Tu eri l'Oceano e io la eretta
roccia che salda attende il suo ondeggiare:
dovevi rinfrangerti o sradicarmi!...
Non è potuto essere!

Bella tu, io altero; abituati
l'una a travolgere, l'altro a non cedere;
il sentiero stretto, inevitabile lo scontro...
Non è potuto essere!

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer


Tu étais l’ouragan et moi, j’étais la haute
tour qui défie son pouvoir :
tu devais t’écraser ou t’abattre
Ça ne fût pas possible !

Tu étais l’océan et moi, j’étais le dressé
rocher qui solide attend son va-et-vient
tu devais te rompre ou m’arracher !...
Ça ne fût pas possible !

belle, toi, moi hautain; habitués
l’un à écraser, l’autre à ne pas  céder
le sentier étroit, inévitable la collision…
Ça ne fût pas possible !

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer


Sen tayfundun, ben de yüksek
bir kuleyim gücüne meydan okuyan;
Ya sen dağılacaktın dört bir yana
ya da alaşağı edecektin beni!

Sen okyanustun, ben de dimdik
yükselen direngen kaya, gelgitlerine;
Ya sen kırılacaktın çarparak bana,
ya beni sürükleyip götürecektin!

Sen güzel, ben yüce: Alışkınız,
birimiz ayakları yerden kesmeye,
öteki eğilip bükülmemeye:
Yolumuz dar, çarpışma kaçınılmaz…

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Çeviren: Vehbi Taşar

Photo by Christophe Staelens

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