27 Mart 2020 Cuma

Rima XXX / Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer


Asomaba a sus ojos una lágrima
y a mi labio una frase de perdón;
habló el orgullo y se enjugó su llanto,
y la frase en mis labios expiró.

Yo voy por un camino; ella, por otro;
pero, al pensar en nuestro mutuo amor,
yo digo aún: —¿Por qué callé aquel día?
Y ella dirá: —¿Por qué no lloré yo?

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

(Libro de los gorriones (nº40) / Rimas. Edición 1871)


A tear appeared in her eyes,
and an expression of forgiveness on my lips.
Pride spoke and her tears dried
and the phrase died away on my lips.

I am journeying down one road; she, down another;
but when I think about the love we shared
I still say: “Why did I keep silent that day?"
And she must be saying, “Why didn’t I weep?"

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Translated from the Spanish by Stanley Appelbaum


A tear was peeking from her eyes,
and from my lips, a phrase forgiving;
she wiped away her tear as I spoke proud,
and the phrase on my lips did not appear.

I the one road take, and she the other;
but thinking still our love together,
I ask, “why was I was silent that day?”
And she asks, “why was it I didn’t cry?”

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Translated by Frank Watson


There appeared in her eyes a tear
and on my lips a phrase of forgiveness...
pride spoke and she dried her tears
and the phrase died on my lips.

I went my way and she went hers;
but when thinking of our mutual love,
I still say: "Why did I keep silent that day?"
and she says: "Why did I not cry?"

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer


Una lacrima apparve nei suoi occhi
e al mio labbro una frase di perdono;
orgoglioso parlò e si asciugò le lacrime
e la frase sulle mie labbra è scaduta.

Vado su una strada: lei, dall'altra;
ma quando pensi al nostro amore reciproco,
Dico ancora: "Perché sono rimasto zitto quel giorno?"
E lei dirà: "Perché non ho pianto?"

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer


Bir gözyaşı gözüktü gözlerinde düşmek üzere
Ve benim dudaklarımda bir özür dileme.
Gururla konuştu o ve gözyaşını sildi
Ve söz benim dudaklarımdan gitti.

Ben kendi yoluma giderim şimdi ve o kendi yoluna
Fakat düşündüğümüz zaman aşkımız konusunda,
Ben,“o gün ne diye çenemi kapattım?” derim bugün bile
Ve o der “Ben ağlamadım ne diye?”

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Çeviren: Vehbi Taşar

Model Jane Wanderess "Lamacra".
Photo by Stephan Stadie

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