Antes que la peluca y la casaca
fueron los ríos, ríos arteriales:
fueron las cordilleras, en cuya onda raída
el cóndor o la nieve parecían inmóviles:
fue la humedad y la espesura, el trueno
sin nombre todavía, las pampas planetarias.
El hombre tierra fue, vasija, párpado
del barro trémulo, forma de la arcilla,
fue cántaro caribe, piedra chibcha,
copa imperial o sílice araucana. 10
Tierno y sangriento fue, pero en la empuñadura
de su arma de cristal humedecido,
las iniciales de la tierra estaban escritas.
Nadie pudo recordarlas después: el viento
las olvidó, el idioma del agua
fue enterrado, las claves se perdieron
o se inundaron de silencio o sangre.
No se perdió la vida, hermanos pastorales.
Pero como una rosa salvaje
cayó una gota roja en la espesura
y se apagó una lámpara de tierra.
Yo estoy aquí para contar la historia.
Desde la paz del búfalo
hasta las azotadas arenas
de la tierra final, en las espumas
acumuladas de la luz antártica,
y por las madrigueras despeñadas
de la sombría paz venezolana,
te busqué, padre mío,
joven guerrero de tiniebla y cobre,
oh tú, planta nupcial, cabellera indomable,
madre caimán, metálica paloma.
Yo, incásico del légamo,
toqué la piedra y dije:
Quién me espera? Y apreté la mano
sobre un puñado de cristal vacío.
Pero anduve entre llores zapotecas
y dulce era la luz como un venado,
y era la sombra como un párpado verde.
Tierra mía sin nombre, sin América,
estambre equinoccial, lanza de púrpura,
tu aroma me trepó por las raíces
hasta la copa que bebía, hasta la más delgada
palabra aún no nacida de mi boca.
Pablo Neruda - (La lámpara en la tierra / Canto general)
Amor América (1400)
Before the wig and the dress coat
there were rivers, arterial rivers:
there were cordilleras, jagged waves where
the condor and the snow seemed immutable:
there was dampness and dense growth, the thunder
as yet unnamed, the planetary pampas.
Man was dust, earthen vase, an eyelid
of tremulous loam, the shape of clay—
he was Carib jug, Chibcha stone,
imperial cup of Araucanian silica.
Tender and bloody was he, but on the grip
of his weapon of moist flint,
the initials of the earth were written.
No one could remember them afterward: the wind
forgot them, the language of water
was buried, the keys were lost
or flooded with silence or blood.
Life was not lost, pastoral brothers.
But like a wild rose
a red drop fell into the dense growth,
and a lamp of earth was extinguished.
I am here to tell the story.
From the peace of the buffalo
to the pummeled sands
of the land's end, in the accumulated
spray of the antarctic light,
and through precipitous tunnels
of shady Venezuelan peacefulness
I searched for you, my father,
young warrior of darkness and copper,
or you, nuptial plant, indomitable hair,
mother cayman, metallic dove.
I, Incan of the loam,
touched the stone and said:
Who awaits me? And I closed my hand
around a fistful of empty flint.
But I walked among Zapotee flowers
and the light was soft like a deer,
and the shade was a green eyelid.
My land without name, without America,
equinoctial stamen, purple lance,
your aroma climbed my roots up to the glass
raised to my lips, up to the slenderest
word as yet unborn in my mouth.
Pablo Neruda - (A lamp on earth / General Song)
Translated by Jack Schmitt
Love America (1400)
Before the wig and coat
were the rivers, the arterial rivers,
the mountain ranges, in whose weary wave
the condor or the snow appeared unstirring:
the thickness of the humidity, the unnamed
thunderclap, the planetary pampas.
Man was earth, a vessel, the eyelid
of the quivering clay, a form from the mud of the earth,
a Carib pitcher, a chibcha stone,
an imperial chalice or an Araucanian silica.
Tender and bleeding he was, but on the hilt
of his moist crystal weapon,
the initials of the earth were inscribed.
No one could remember them later: the wind
forgot them, the language of the water
interred, the keys were lost
or inundated by silence or blood.
Life was not lost, pastoral brothers.
But as a savage rose,
a red drop fell to the depths,
and the lamp of the land was extinguished.
I am here to tell history.
Since the peace of the buffalo
until the lashed sands
of final earth, in the accumulated surf
of antarctic light,
and for the burrows embedded off the cliffs
of somber Venezuelan peace,
I searched for you, my father,
young soldier of shadows and brass,
or you, nuptial plant, indomitable hair,
caiman mother, metallic dove.
I, Inca from mud,
touched the stone and said:
Who waits for me? And I squeezed my hand
around a fistful of empty glass.
But I traveled among zapotec flowers
and the light was as gentle as a stag,
and the shade was like a green eyelid.
My earth without a name, without America,
equinoctial stamen, purple spear,
your aroma winds up my roots
into the chalice I nursed, into the finest
word still not yet born from my mouth.
Pablo Neruda - (The lamp on earth / General Song)
Translated by Mikaela Dunitz
Amor América (1400)
Antes do chinó e do fraque
foram os rios, rios arteriais:
foram as cordilheiras em cuja vaga puída
o condor ou a neve pareciam imóveis;
foi a umidade e a mata, o trovão,
sem nome ainda, as pampas planetárias.
O homem terra foi, vasilha, pálpebra
do barro trêmulo, forma de argila,
foi cântaro caraíba, pedra chibcha,
taça imperial ou sílica araucana.
Terno e sangrento foi, porém no punho
de sua arma de cristal umedecido
as iniciais da terra estavam escritas.
Ninguém pôde
recordá-las depois: o vento
as esqueceu, o idioma da água
foi enterrado, as chaves se perderam
ou se inundaram de silêncio ou sangue.
Não se perdeu a vida, irmãos pastorais.
Mas como uma rosa selvagem
caiu uma gota vermelha na floresta
e apagou-se uma lâmpada da terra.
Estou aqui para contar a história.
Da paz do búfalo
até as fustigadas areias
da terra final, nas espumas
acumuladas de luz antártica,
e pelas Lapas despenhadas
da sombria paz venezuelana,
te busquei, pai meu,
jovem guerreiro de treva e cobre,
ou tu, planta nupcial, cabeleira indomável,
mãe jacaré, pomba metálica.
Eu, incaico do lodo,
toquei a pedra e disse:
Quem me espera? E apertei a mão
sobre um punhado de cristal vazio.
Porém andei entre flores zapotecas
e doce era a luz como um veado
e era a sombra como uma pálpebra verde.
Terra minha sem nome, sem América,
estame eguinocial, lança de púrpura,
teu aroma me subiu pelas raízes
até a taça que bebia, até a mais delgada
palavra não nascida de minha boca.
Pablo Neruda - (A lâmpada na terra / Canto Geral)
Tradução: Paulo Mendes Campos
Amerika Sevdası (1400)
Peruk ve asker kaputlardan önce
vardı ırmaklar, şah damarları gibi ırmaklar,
aşınmış dalgaların tepelerinde kondor ve kar
kımıltısızca dururdu sıradağlarda:
Nem ve yabanıl orman da bulunurdu, henüz
adı olmayan şimşek, gezegenimsi bozkırlar.
İnsan topraktı, tastı, titreyen bataklığın
gözkapağıydı, bir çeşit balçıktı,
Karaib maşrapası, Chibcha taşıydı,
sultan kupası ya da Arauco çakmaktaşıydı.
Genç ve acımasızdı, gene de kanlı kristal
silâhının kabzasında basılıydı
dünyanın baş harfleri.
hatırlayamadı sonraları hiç kimse: Rüzgâr
unuttu onları, toprağa gömüldü
suyun dili, yitirildi anahtarlar
ya da boğuldu sessizlik ve kanda.
Hayat yitirilmedi, çoban kardeşlerim.
Ama yabanıl bir gül gibi
düştü kızıl bir damla ormana,
ve yeryüzündeki lamba söndü.
Öykünün akışını anlatmak için buradayım.
Yaban öküzünün barışından
dünyanın bir ucunda kırbaçlanan
sahillere dek, Antarktik ışığıyla toparlanmış
köpük yığınlarında ve bunaltan
karanlıklarda, Venezüella sakinliğinin
dik kaya oyuklarında aradım
seni, babam benim,
karanlığın ve bakırın genç savaşçısı,
ya da seni, gelinlik bitki, yatırılmaz saç örgüsü,
ana timsah, metalik güvercin seni.
Ben, dip çamurun gururlu İnka’sı
dokundum taşa ve dedim ki:
bekler beni? Ve ezdim bir avuç
sırçayı parmaklarım arasında.
Gene de dolandım durdum
zapoteka çiçekleri arasında,
ve ışık bir geyik kadar yumuşaktı
ve gölge yeşilce bir gözkapağı.
Sen memleketim benim, adsız, Amerikasız,
gündönümünün taçyaprağı, erguvan mızrak,
köklerimden sürünür kokun tepeme dek,
boşalan kadehime dek, en taze söze dek,
henüz ağzımdan doğmamış olana dek.
[“Evrensel Şarkı”nın birinci bölümü “Yeryüzündeki Lamba”dan]
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)
Çeviren: İsmail Haydar Aksoy
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Photo by Laurence Winram |
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