26 Ağustos 2019 Pazartesi

Mostly, It’s yours / Turgut Uyar


Tell me to whom now it belongs this apple that I peel with care
You know that all I do with care now belongs to you

A man on his way to the water let's say should he tilt his shoulder
The sun, the water and the tilt of his shoulder all belong to you

You stand up, you befit your name, and you're right
The world that darkens as you know frequently belongs to you

The darkening world is an ember of fire for a new rose
The noble darkness left over from a fire's ember belongs to you

You took a past with experiments, you came and painted the new well
I know it you should know it too the first illumination belongs to you

The water that I love is the real brother of your water
The powers abandoned by your water now belong to you

Because you hold like a weapon everything that you hold
The whistle that holds everything like a warning belongs to you

It's all yours O eternal-giver whatever exists like life
Don't hold your breath, expand, the core and the shell belong to you

O the most beautiful view of a waterfall pouring over the flowers
My love, my infinity, whatever exists and does not exist in this world all belong to you.

Turgut Uyar - (1927-1985) Turkish poet.


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Turgut Uyar

Translated by Uğur Akıncı

Photo by David Dubnitskiy

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