29 Haziran 2022 Çarşamba

No vive ya nadie en la casa... / César Vallejo

[No vive ya nadie en la casa...]

—No vive ya nadie en la casa —me dices—; todos se han ido. La sala, el dormitorio, el patio, yacen despoblados. Nadie ya queda, pues que todos han partido.

Y yo te digo: Cuando alguien se va, alguien queda. El punto por donde pasó un hombre, ya no está solo. Únicamente está solo, de soledad humana, el lugar por donde ningún hombre ha pasado. Las casas nuevas están más muertas que las viejas, por que sus muros son de piedra o de acero, pero no de hombres. Una casa viene al mundo, no cuando la acaban de edificar, sino cuando empiezan a habitarla. Una casa vive únicamente de hombres, como una tumba. De aquí esa irresistible semejanza que hay entre una casa y una tumba. Sólo que la casa se nutre de la vida del hombre, mientras que la tumba se nutre de la muerte del hombre. Por eso la primera está de pie, mientras que la segunda está tendida.

Todos han partido de la casa, en realidad, pero todos se han quedado en verdad. Y no es el recuerdo de ellos lo que queda, sino ellos mismos. Y no es tampoco que ellos queden en la casa, sino que continúan por la casa. Las funciones y los actos se van de la casa en tren o en avión o a caballo, a pie o arrastrándose. Lo que continúa en la casa es el órgano, el agente en gerundio y en circulo. Los pasos se han ido, los besos, los perdones, los crímenes. Lo que continúa en la casa es el pie, los labios, los ojos, el corazón. Las negaciones y las afirmaciones, el bien y el mal, se han dispersado. Lo que continua en la casa, es el sujeto del acto.

César Vallejo ~ Poemas en prosa (1923) (1924-1929)

[No one lives in the house anymore...]

- No one lives in the house anymore – you tell me -; all have gone. The living room, the bedroom, the patio, are deserted. No one remains any longer, since everyone has departed.

And I say to you: When someone leaves, someone remains. The point through which a man passed, is no longer empty. The only place that is empty, with human solitude, is that through which no man has passed. New houses are deader than old ones, for their walls are of stone or steel, but not of men. A house comes into the world, not when people finish building it, but when they begin to inhabit it. A house lives only off men, like a tomb. That is why there is an irresistible resemblance between a house and a tomb. Except that the house is nourished by the life of man, while the tomb is nourished by the death of man. That is why the first is standing, while the second is laid out.

Everyone has departed from the house, in reality, but all have remained in truth. And it is not their memory that remains, but they themselves. Nor is it that they remain in the house, but that they continue about the house. Functions and acts leave the house by train or by plane or on horseback, walking or crawling. What continues in the house is the organ, the agent in gerund and in circle. The steps have left, the kisses, the pardons, the crimes. What continues in the house are the foot, the lips, the eyes, the heart. Negations and affirmations, good and evil, have dispersed. What continues in the house, is the subject of the act.

César Vallejo

Translated by Clayton Eshleman

(The Complete Poetry, César Vallejo, A Bilingual Edition, University of California Press, 2007.)

[Nobody lives in the house anymore...] "second translation"

—NOBODY LIVES IN the house anymore— you tell me—; everyone has left. The living room, the bedroom, the courtyard, remain unpopulated. Nobody remains, since everybody has departed.

—And I tell you: Whenever someone leaves, somebody stays. The spot by which a man has passed, is not empty any longer. It is solely alone, from human solitude, the place by which no man has passed. New houses are deader than old ones, because their walls are made of stone or steel, but not of men. A house comes to the world, not when people have just built it, but when they start to inhabit it. A house lives only by its men, as in a coffin. It’s just that the house is nourished by the life of man, while the coffin is nourished by the death of man. That’s why the former one is standing, while the latter is outstretched.

—Everybody has left the house, in reality, but everybody has remained in truth. And it is not the memory of them which remains, but they themselves. And it is neither that they remain inside the house, but that they continue around the house. Functions and acts leave the house by train or plane or on horseback, by foot or crawling. What continues in the house is the organ, the agent in gerund and in circle. The footsteps have departed, the kisses, the apologies, the crimes. What continues in the house is the foot, the lips, the eyes, the heart. Negations and affirmations, good and evil, have dispersed.

—What stays in the house, is the subject of the act.

César Vallejo

Translated by César Eduardo and Jumpa Sánchez

[Nessuno vive più nella casa...]

«Nessuno vive più nella casa, mi dici; tutti se ne sono andati.
La sala, la camera, il patio, giacciono spopolati.
Non resta nessuno, perché tutti sono partiti.
E io ti dico:
Quando qualcuno se ne va, qualcuno resta.
Il punto da cui è passato un uomo non è più solo.
Non è solo, di solitudine umana,
che il luogo dove nessun uomo è passato.

Le case nuove sono più morte delle antiche,
perché i loro muri sono fatti di pietra o di acciaio, ma non di uomini.

[...] Tutti sono partiti dalla casa,
n realtà,
ma in verità sono tutti restati.»

César Vallejo

[Artık kimse yaşamıyor evde...]

―Artık kimse yaşamıyor evde ―diyorsun bana―; herkes gitti. Salon, yatak odası, hol, insansız yatıyorlar. Artık kimse kalmadı, çünkü herkes bırakıp gitti.

Ben sana: Birisi gittiği zaman birisi kalır, diyorum. Bir insanın geçtiği nokta artık yalnız değildir. İnsansız olan tek nokta, henüz hiç bir insanın geçmediği yerdir. Yeni evler eskilerden daha ölüdür. Çünkü taştandır duvarları ya da fayanstan, ama insandan değil. Bir ev yapımı bittiğinde gelmez dünyaya, içinde birileri yaşamaya başlayınca katılır hayata. Evler de tıpkı mezarlar gibi sadece insanlarla yaşarlar. Bir evle bir mezar arasındaki katlanılmaz benzerlik bundandır. Ancak ev insan yaşamından beslenirken, mezar insan ölümünden beslenir. Bu yüzden ikincisi uzanmışken, birincisi ayaktadır.

Gerçekte herkes evden ayrıldı, ama aslında herkes evde kaldı. Kalan onların anıları değil elbet; kendileri. Ve pek tabii ki evde kalmıyorlar artık, ama evde süregidiyorlar. İşler ve eylemler evden giderler; trenle, uçakla, atla, yürüyerek ya da sürünerek. Evde süregiden şey, eylemi işleyen organdır; failin döngüsel eylemlilik halidir. Adımlar gitti, öpüşler, özürler, suçlar. Evde süregiden ayaktır, dudaklar, gözler, yürek. Olumlamalar ve olumsuzlamalar, iyi ve kötü çekip gittiler. Evde kalan şey eylemin öznesidir.

César Vallejo

İspanyolcadan çeviren Bülent Kale

Photo by Astrid Veronika Allan

26 Haziran 2022 Pazar

17 Haiku / Jorge Luis Borges

En el desierto
acontece la aurora.
Alguien lo sabe.

Jorge Luis Borges ~ (17 Haiku)

In the desert
dawn arrives.
Somebody knows it.

Jorge Luis Borges ~ (17 Haiku)

Translated by Jon Tarnoc

Sopra il deserto
sta avvenendo l'aurora.
Qualcuno lo sa. 

Jorge Luis Borges ~ (17 Haiku)

Traduzione di Domenico Porzio

(da “La cifra”, “Lo Specchio” Mondadori, 1982)

şafak söküyor.
Biri biliyor bunu.

Dunes, Shoshone, California, 1934, by Brett Weston

25 Haziran 2022 Cumartesi

La materia no pesa. / Pedro Salinas

La voz a ti debida

[45] (Versos 1585 a 1629)

La materia no pesa.
Ni tu cuerpo ni el mío,
juntos, se sienten nunca
servidumbre, sí alas.
Los besos que me das
son siempre redenciones:
tú besas hacia arriba,
librando algo de mí,
que aún estaba sujeto
en los fondos oscuros.
Lo salvas, lo miramos
para ver cómo asciende,
volando, por tu impulso,
hacia su paraíso
donde ya nos espera.
No, tu carne no oprime
ni la tierra que pisas
ni mi cuerpo que estrechas.
Cuando me abrazas, siento
que tuve contra el pecho
un palpitar sin tacto,
cerquísima, de estrella,
que viene de otra vida.
El mundo material
nace cuando te marchas.
Y siento sobre el alma
esa opresión enorme
de sombras que dejaste,
de palabras, sin labios,
escritas en papeles.
Devuelto ya a la ley
del metal, de la roca,
de la carne. Tu forma
tu dulce peso rosa,
es lo que me volvía
el mundo más ingrávido.
Pero lo insoportable,
lo que me está agobiando,
llamándome a la tierra,
sin ti que me defiendas,
es la distancia, es
el hueco de tu cuerpo.
Si, tú nunca, tú nunca:
tu memoria, es materia.

Pedro Salinas - La voz a ti debida (1933)


Matter has no weight. 
Neither your body nor mine 
joined ever feels 
serfdom. Wings yes. 
Kisses you give me 
are always redemptions: 
you kiss facing upward, 
freeing something in me 
that was still subject 
to dark bottoms.
You save it, we see it 
and see how it ascends 
flying, impelled by you 
into a paradise 
where now it waits for us. 
No, your flesh does not oppress 
the earth it steps on 
or my body you hold tight.
When you hug me I feel I held 
a star against my chest, 
throbbing, not touching, 
exceedingly close, with a star 
that comes from another life. 
The material world 
is born when you leave. 
And over my soul I feel 
that enormous oppression 
of shadows you left, 
of lipless words 
written on papers. 
Now returned to the law 
of metal, rock, 
flesh. Your corporal 
form, your soft rose weight 
is what turns me into 
a world of lightness.
But what I can't hold up, 
what pins me down, 
calling me to the earth 
without you to defend me, 
is the distance, is 
the hollow left by your body.

Yes. Never you, never you: 
your memory is matter.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Willis Barnstone

(Love Poems by Pedro Salinas: My Voice Because of You and Letter Poems to Katherine)

[45] "second translation"

Matter has no weight. 
Neither your body nor mine, 
together, ever feel 
obligation, only wings. 
The kisses you give me 
always redeem me: 
you kiss skyward, 
freeing something in me 
which was being held down 
in the dark depths. 
You rescue it, we watch it 
to see how it rises, 
flying, by your impulse, 
toward the paradise 
where it waits for us now. 
No, your flesh doesn’t bruise 
either the earth you walk on 
or my body which you clasp. 
When you hold me, I sense 
that I have held against my chest 
the unfelt pulsations 
of a very near star, 
which comes from another life. 
The material world 
is born when you walk away. 
And I feel on my heart 
that enormous anguish 
of shadows which you discarded, 
anguish of words, without lips, 
written on papers. 
I am returned to the law 
of metal, of rock, 
of flesh. Your corporeal 
your sweet rosy weight 
is returned to me 
by this most weightless world. 
But the unbearable thing, 
the thing that overwhelms me, 
calling me to back to earth 
without you to protect me, 
is distance, is 
the emptyness where your body was. 
If, never you, never you: 
your memory, it is matter.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Ruth Katz Crispin

(Memory in My Hands: The Love Poetry of Pedro Salinas)


La materia non pesa.
Il tuo corpo ed il mio,
uniti, non sentono mai
schiavitú, sentono ali.
I baci che tu mi dài
sono sempre redenzioni:
tu baci verso l'alto,
e qualcosa di me porti a luce,
costretto prima
nel fondo oscuro.
Lo salvi, lo guardiamo
per vedere come ascende,
e vola, per l'impulso che gli dài,
verso il suo paradiso
dove ci aspetta.
No, non opprime la tua carne
e neppure la terra che calpesti
né il mio corpo che stringi.

Sento, quando mi abbracci,
che ho tenuto contro il petto
un lieve palpitare,
vicinissimo, di stella,
che viene da un'altra vita.
Il mondo materiale
nasce quando tu parti.
E sull'anima sento
quest'oppressione enorme
di ombre che hai lasciato,
di parole, senza labbra,
scritte su fogli di carta.
Restituito alla legge
del metallo, della roccia,
della carne. La tua forma
il tuo dolce peso rosa,
è ciò che mi rendeva
il mondo piú lieve.
Ma ciò che non sopporto
e che mi schiaccia,
chiamandomi alla terra,
senza te per difendermi,
è la distanza,
è il vuoto del tuo corpo.

Sí, tu mai, tu mai:
il tuo ricordo, è materia.

Pedro Salinas

Traduzione di Emma Scoles

(da “La voce a te dovuta”, Einaudi, Torino, 1979)

Patricia Velasquez, book "Acqua Pantelleria", 1992,
by Fabrizio Ferri

23 Haziran 2022 Perşembe

Ayer te besé en los labios. / Pedro Salinas

La voz a ti debida

[36] (Versos 1290 a 1316)

Ayer te besé en los labios.
Te besé en los labios. Densos,
rojos. Fue un beso tan corto
que duró más que un relámpago,
que un milagro, más.
El tiempo
después de dártelo
no lo quise para nada
ya, para nada
lo había querido antes.
Se empezó, se acabó en él.

Hoy estoy besando un beso;
estoy solo con mis labios.
Los pongo
no en tu boca, no, ya no
—¿adónde se me ha escapado?—.
Los pongo 
en el beso que te di
ayer, en las bocas juntas
del beso que se besaron.
Y dura este beso más
que el silencio, que la luz.
Porque ya no es una carne
ni una boca lo que beso,
que se escapa, que me huye.
Te estoy besando más lejos.

Pedro Salinas - La voz a ti debida (1933)


Yesterday I kissed you on the lips.
I kissed you on the lips. Dense, 
red. It was such a quick kiss 
that it lasted longer than lightning, 
than a miracle, longer.
after giving you this 
was nothing to me, 
I had wanted it for nothing earlier. 
It began and ended in the flash.

Today I am kissing a kiss; 
I am alone with my lips.
I put them 
not in your mouth, no not now—
where did it get away?—
I put them
in the kiss I gave you 
yesterday, in our joined mouths 
of the kiss they kissed.
And this kiss lasts longer 
than silence, than light. 
For it is no longer flesh
or a mouth I kiss 
that slips away, escapes from me.
I am kissing you further away.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Willis Barnstone

(Love Poems by Pedro Salinas: My Voice Because of You and Letter Poems to Katherine)

[36] "second translation"

Yesterday I kissed you on the lips. 
I kissed you on the lips. Dense 
and red. It was so short a kiss 
that it lasted longer than lightning, 
longer than a miracle, even. 
The minutes 
just after it 
I didn’t want at all, 
and I didn’t want 
the minutes before it, either. 
Time began, time ended with it. 

Today I am kissing a kiss; 
I’m alone with my lips. 
I place them 
not on your mouth, no, I can’t 
—where did it go? 
I place them 
on the kiss that I gave you 
yesterday, on the mouths that touched 
in the kiss which they kissed. 
And this kiss lasts longer 
than silence, than light. 
Because now it isn’t skin 
that I’m kissing, or a mouth, 
which could leave me, could elude me. 
I’m kissing you from further away.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Ruth Katz Crispin

(Memory in My Hands: The Love Poetry of Pedro Salinas)


Ieri ti ho baciata sulle labbra.
Ti ho baciata sulle labbra. Intense, rosse.
Un bacio così corto
durato più di un lampo,
di un miracolo, più ancora.
Il tempo
dopo averti baciata
non valeva più a nulla
ormai, a nulla
era valso prima.
Nel bacio il suo inizio e la sua fine.

Oggi sto baciando un bacio;
non solo con le mie labbra.
Le poso
non sulla bocca, no, non più
– dov’è fuggita? –
Le poso
sul bacio che ieri ti ho dato
sulle bocche unite
dal bacio che hanno baciato.
E dura questo bacio
più del silenzio, della luce.
Perché io non bacio ora
né una carne né una bocca
che scappa, che mi sfugge.
Ti sto baciando più lontano.

Pedro Salinas

Traduzione di Emma Scoles

(da “La voce a te dovuta”, Einaudi, Torino, 1979)


19 Haziran 2022 Pazar

Horizontal, sí, te quiero. / Pedro Salinas

La voz a ti debida

[30] (Versos 1108 a 1138)

Horizontal, sí, te quiero.
Mírale la cara al cielo,
de cara. Déjate ya
de fingir un equilibrio
donde lloramos tú y yo.
a la gran verdad final,
a lo que has de ser conmigo,
tendida ya, paralela,
en la muerte o en el beso.
Horizontal es la noche
en el mar, gran masa trémula
sobre la tierra acostada,
vencida sobre la playa.
El estar de pie, mentira:
sólo correr o tenderse.
Y lo que tú y yo queremos
y el día —ya tan cansado
de estar con su luz, derecho—
es que nos llegue, viviendo
y con temblor de morir,
en lo más alto del beso,
ese quedarse rendidos
por el amor más ingrávido,
al peso de ser de tierra,
materia, carne de vida.
En la noche y la trasnoche,
y el amor y el trasamor,
ya cambiados
en horizontes finales,
tú y yo, de nosotros mismos.

Pedro Salinas - La voz a ti debida (1933)


Yes, I want you horizontal. 
Look at the face of the sky 
in the face. Enough 
worry about balance 
where you and I weep. 
Give yourself 
to the great final truth, 
of what you will be with me, 
stretched out, parallel, 
in death or in a kiss. 
Night is horizontal 
on the sea, a great shuddering mass.
over the sleeping earth, 
vanquished on the beach. 
Standing up is a lie: 
only racing or lying down. 
And what you and I want 
and also the day—so tired 
of being upright in its light— 
is to be reached alive 
and with a trembling of death 
at the summit of our kiss, 
to be exhausted 
by the most unweighted love, 
its weight coming from earth, 
material, earth's flesh. 
In the night and beyond night 
and love and beyond love, 
you and I 
now transformed 
into final horizons.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Willis Barnstone

(Love Poems by Pedro Salinas: My Voice Because of You and Letter Poems to Katherine)

[30] "second translation"

Horizontal is how I want you. 
Look at the sky’s face 
with your own. Stop 
pretending an equilibrium 
in which you and I weep. 
to the great final truth, 
to what you have to be with me, 
lying down, parallel, 
in death or in a kiss. 
Horizontal is the night 
on the sea, a great tremulous mass 
over land laid down to rest, 
vanquished, on the beach. 
Standing on foot is a lie: 
either run or lie down. 
And what you and I want 
and the day too—so tired by now 
of standing erect with its light— 
is for us to know, living 
and with the shudder of dying,
on the height of a kiss, 
how it feels to be exhausted 
by the most weightless love, 
in the weight of being earth, 
of being matter, living flesh. 
At night and in a beyondnight, 
in love and in a beyondlove, 
changed at last 
into final horizons, 
you and I, of ourselves.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Ruth Katz Crispin

(Memory in My Hands: The Love Poetry of Pedro Salinas)


Orizzontale, sì, ti voglio.
Guarda il cielo in faccia,
di fronte. Non cercare più
di fingere un equilibrio
dove piangemmo tu ed io.
alla gran verità finale,
a ciò che devi essere con me,
sdraiata ormai, parallela,
nella morte o nel bacio.
Orizzontale è la notte
sul mare, grande massa tremula
adagiata sopra la terra,
vinta sopra la spiaggia.
Stare ritti, menzogna:
solo correre o sdraiarsi.
E quanto tu e io vogliamo
e il giorno – già così stanco
di stare con la sua luce, diritto –
è che ci giunga, vivendo
e con trepidazione di morire,
nel punto più alto del bacio,
quel rimanere vinti
per l’amore più lieve,
dal peso di essere terra,
materia, carne di vita.
Nella notte, al di là della notte,
nell’amore, al di là dell’amore,
mutati ormai
in orizzonti finali,
tu ed io, di noi stessi.

Pedro Salinas

Traduzione di Emma Scoles

(da “La voce a te dovuta”, Einaudi, Torino, 1979)


Mapplethorpe's flowers ... / Deborah A. Levinson

"Mapplethorpe's flowers are as carefully positioned as his human subjects. His still lifes are stark — usually only one or two flowers, and often in shadow — but they display a raw sexuality even more powerful than that of the nudes. His treatment of the male and female aspects of the calla lily is most striking, one photograph emphasizing the flower's phallic stamen, another emphasizing its feminine curves."

Deborah A. Levinson

Calla Lily, 1984, by Robert Mapplethorpe

16 Haziran 2022 Perşembe

Me estoy labrando tu sombra. / Pedro Salinas

La voz a ti debida

[56] (Versos 1946 a 1981)

Me estoy labrando tu sombra.
La tengo ya sin los labios,
rojos y duros: ardían.
Te los habría besado
aún mucho más.

Luego te paro los brazos,
rápidos, largos, nerviosos.
Me ofrecían el camino
para que yo te estrechara.

Te arranco el color, el bulto.
Te mato el paso. Venías
derecha a mí. Lo que más
pena me ha dado, al callártela,
es tu voz. Densa, tan cálida,
más palpable que tu cuerpo.
Pero ya iba a traicionarnos.

mi amor está libre, suelto,
con tu sombra descarnada.
Y puedo vivir en ti
sin temor
a lo que yo más deseo,
a tu beso, a tus abrazos.
Estar ya siempre pensando
en los labios, en la voz,
en el cuerpo,
que yo mismo te arranqué
para poder, ya sin ellos,

¡Yo que los quería tanto!
Y estrechar sin fin, sin pena
—mientras se va inasidera,
con mi gran amor detrás,
la carne por su camino—
tu solo cuerpo posible:
tu dulce cuerpo pensado.

Pedro Salinas - La voz a ti debida (1933)


I am forming your shadow.
Now I have it without those 
red and hard lips: they were burning. 
I would have kissed them 
even more.

Then I parry your quick, 
long nervous arms. 
They offered me the road 
so I could grab hold.

I pull out color, mass.
I kill off your step. 
You were coming 
right to me. 
What hurt me most 
when I silenced it 
is your voice. 
Rich, so warm, more palpable than your body. 
But it was set to betray us.

my love is free, loose, 
with your bodiless shadow.
And I can live in you 
with no fear 
of what I most desire, 
of your kiss, your arms. 
To be always brooding 
on your lips, your voice, 
that I stripped from you 
so now without them 
I can love you.

And how I wanted them!
And to hold, not stopping, painlessly 
(while your flesh goes 
on its own road, detached, 
my great love behind) 
your only possible body: 
your sweet imagined body.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Willis Barnstone

(Love Poems by Pedro Salinas: My Voice Because of You and Letter Poems to Katherine)

[56] "second translation"

I am carving your shadow. 
I’ve got it now without your lips, 
red and hard: they were burning. 
I would have kissed them 
much more even so. 

Now I stop your arms, 
fast, long, nervous. 
They were offering me the path 
to take so I could hold you. 

I tear out your color, your substance. 
I kill your step. You were coming 
straight at me. What most 
hurt me, when I silenced it, 
is your voice. So dense, so warm, 
more tangible than your body. 
But it was going to betray us. 

This way 
my love is free, liberated, 
with your flayed shadow. 
And I can live in you 
without fear 
of what I want most, 
your kiss, your embraces. 
I can always be thinking 
of your lips, of your voice, 
of your body, 
which I myself ripped out of you 
to be able to love you 
without them. 
I, who loved them so much! 

And to hold to me endlessly, painlessly 
—while your flesh walks 
unseizably on the road, 
with my great love behind it— 
your only possible body: 
your sweet remembered body.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Ruth Katz Crispin

(Memory in My Hands: The Love Poetry of Pedro Salinas)


Sto modellando la tua ombra.
Le ho già tolto le labbra,
rosse e dure: bruciavano.
Te le avrei baciate
ancora molte volte.

Ti fermo poi le braccia,
lunghe nervose, rapide.
Mi offrivano la via
perché io ti stringessi.

Ti strappo il colore, la forma.
Ti uccido il passo. Venivi
dritta verso di me. Ciò che
piú mi ha fatto soffrire,
quando l’ho messa a tacere,
è la tua voce. Densa, calda,
piú palpabile del tuo corpo.
Ma stava ormai per tradirci.

il mio amore è libero, affrancato,
con la tua ombra spoglia di carne.
E posso vivere in te,
senza temere
ciò che desidero di piú,
il tuo bacio, i tuoi abbracci.
Non pensare ormai ad altro
che alle labbra, alla voce,
al corpo,
che io stesso ti ho sottratto
per potere, senza di loro infine,
Io, che li amavo tanto!

E stringere all’infinito, senza pena
– mentre se ne va inafferrabile,
e dietro a lei il mio grande amore,
la carne per il suo cammino –
il tuo solo corpo possibile:
il tuo dolce corpo pensato.

Pedro Salinas

Traduzione di Emma Scoles

(da “La voce a te dovuta”, Einaudi, Torino, 1979)

Selfie by Astrid Veronika Allan

15 Haziran 2022 Çarşamba

Cuando cierras los ojos / Pedro Salinas

La voz a ti debida

[29] (Versos 1073 a 1107)

Cuando cierras los ojos
tus párpados son aire.
Me arrebatan:
me voy contigo, adentro.
No se ve nada, no
se oye nada. Me sobran
los ojos y los labios,
en este mundo tuyo.
Para sentirte a ti
no sirven
los sentidos de siempre,
usados con los otros.
Hay que esperar los nuevos.
Se anda a tu lado
sordamente, en lo oscuro,
tropezando en acasos,
en vísperas; hundiéndose
hacia arriba
con un gran peso de alas.
Cuando vuelves a abrir
los ojos yo me vuelvo
afuera, ciego ya,
tropezando también,
sin ver, tampoco, aquí.
Sin saber más vivir
ni en el otro, en el tuyo,
ni en este
mundo descolorido
en donde yo vivía.
Inútil, desvalido
entre los dos.
Yendo, viniendo
de uno a otro
cuando tú quieres,
cuando abres, cuando cierras
los párpados, los ojos.

Pedro Salinas - La voz a ti debida (1933)


When you close your eyes 
your eyelids are wind. 
They stir me: 
to go to you, inside.

Nothing is seen, nothing 
is heard. 
Eyes and lips 
are my abundance 
in your world. 
To feel you
the usual senses 
used on others 
don't work. 
We must wait for new ones. 
I walk at your side 
deafly in darkness, 
tripping over chance, 
on the brink; sinking 
to the top 
with a great weight of wings.

When you open 
your eyes I turn 
to the outside, now blind, 
and stumble, 
unable to see a thing 
Not knowing how to live 
in the other, in yours, 
or in this discolored world 
where I was living. 
I am nothing 
between the two.
I go, come 
from one to the other 
when you want me to, 
when you open, when you close 
your eyelids, your eyes.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Willis Barnstone

(Love Poems by Pedro Salinas: My Voice Because of You and Letter Poems to Katherine)

[29] "second translation"

When you close your eyes 
your eyelids are air. 
They sweep me away: 
I go with you, inside you. 

I see nothing, hear 
nothing. My eyes and my lips 
are more than enough 
in this your world. 
To feel you 
I can’t use 
my customary senses, 
the ones that work with others. 
I must wait for new ones. 
At your side I walk 
deafly, in the dark, 
stumbling on perhapses, 
on the eves of days; sinking 
with a great weight of wings. 

When you once again open 
your eyes I return 
outside, blinded, 
still stumbling, 
not seeing here, either. 
No longer knowing how to live 
either in the other world, yours, 
or in this colorless world 
where I used to live. 
Useless, helpless, 
between the two. 
Coming, going 
from one to the other 
at your command, 
when you open, when you close 
your eyelids, your eyes.

Pedro Salinas

Translated by Ruth Katz Crispin

(Memory in My Hands: The Love Poetry of Pedro Salinas)


Quando tu chiudi gli occhi
le tue palpebre sono aria.
Mi trascinano:
vado con te, dentro.

Non si vede nulla, non
si sente nulla. Superflui
gli occhi e le labbra,
in questo mondo tuo.
Per sentire te
non valgono
i sensi consueti,
che si usano con gli altri.
Bisogna attenderne di nuovi.
Si cammina al tuo fianco
sordamente, al buio,
inciampando nei forse,
nelle attese; sprofondando
verso l’alto
con gran peso di ali.

Quando tu riapri gli occhi
io torno fuori,
ormai cieco,
inciampando ancora,
senza vedere, nemmeno, qui.
Senza sapere piú vivere
né in quell’altro, nel tuo,
né in questo
mondo scolorito
dove io vivevo.
Incapace, indifeso
fra l’uno e l’altro.
Andando, venendo
dall’uno all’altro
quando tu vuoi,
quando apri, quando chiudi
le palpebre, gli occhi.

Pedro Salinas

Traduzione di Emma Scoles

(da “La voce a te dovuta”, Einaudi, Torino, 1979)

Monica Bellucci 1991, by Marco D'Elia

11 Haziran 2022 Cumartesi

Επέστρεφε / Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης


Επέστρεφε συχνά και παίρνε µε,
αγαπηµένη αίσθησις επέστρεφε και παίρνε µε –
όταν ξυπνά του σώµατος η µνήµη,
κ’ επιθυµία παληά ξαναπερνά στο αίµα·
όταν τα χείλη και το δέρµα ενθυµούνται,
κ’ αισθάνονται τα χέρια σαν ν’ αγγίζουν πάλι.

Επέστρεφε συχνά και παίρνε µε την νύχτα,
όταν τα χείλη και το δέρµα ενθυµούνται…

Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης


Ritorna spesso e prendimi
ritorna e prendimi o sensazione amata −
se la memoria del corpo si desta
e il vecchio spasimo passa nel sangue,
poi che le labbra e la pelle trasalgono
e ancora le mani sembra che tocchino.

Ritorna spesso e prendimi, la notte
poi che le labbra e la pelle trasalgono.

Costantino Kavafis

Traduzione di Margherita Dalmàti e Nelo Risi

(da “Constantinos Kavafis, Cinquantacinque poesie”, Einaudi, Torino, 1968)


Return often and take me,
beloved sensation, return and take me --
when the memory of the body awakens,
and an old desire runs again through the blood;
when the lips and the skin remember,
and the hands feel as if they touch again.

Return often and take me at night,
when the lips and the skin remember...

Constantine P. Cavafy

(From 'The Complete Poems of C.P. Cavafy', by C. P. Cavafy, translated by Rae Dalven (W.H. Auden, New York 1961.)

Come Back

Come back often and take hold of me,
sensation that I love come back and take hold of me—
when the body’s memory awakens
and an old longing again moves into the blood,
when lips and skin remember
and hands feel as though they touch again.
Come back often, take hold of me in the night
when lips and skin remember...

Constantine P. Cavafy

(Reprinted from C.P. CAVAFY: Collected Poems Revised Edition, translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard, edited by George Savidis. Translation copyright © 1975, 1992 by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard. Princeton University Press.)


Reviens souvent et prends-moi,
sensation bien-aimée, reviens et prends-moi
quand la mémoire du corps se réveille,
quand un ancien désir passe à travers le sang,
quand les lèvres et la peau se souviennent,
et que les mains croient toucher de nouveau…

Reviens souvent et prends-moi la nuit,
à l’heure où les lèvres et la peau se souviennent.

Constantin Cavafy

Traduction de Marguerite Yourcenar


Reviens souvent et saisis-moi,
sensation chère, reviens et saisis-moi –
quand s’éveille la mémoire de la chair
et qu’un désir passé tressaille dans mon sang :
quand les lèvres et la peau se souviennent
et que les mains sentent comme si elles touchaient à nouveau.

Reviens, souvent, et saisis-moi la nuit
quand les lèvres et la peau se souviennent…

Constantin Cavafy

Traduction de Ange S. Vlachos


Vuelve a menudo y tómame,
amada sensación, regresa y tómame.
Cuando la memoria del cuerpo despierta,
su viejo deseo vuelve a rodar en la sangre;
cuando los labios y la piel recuerdan
mis manos sienten como si tocaran de nuevo.

Vuelve a menudo y tómame, en la noche,
cuando mis labios y mi piel recuerdan...

Constantino Cavafis

Versión de César Conti

Vuelve otra vez

Vuelve otra vez y muchas veces, cógeme,
amada sensación, regresa y cógeme,
cuando la memoria del cuerpo se despierta
y un antiguo deseo atraviesa la sangre,
cuando los labios y la piel recuerdan,
cuando las manos sienten que aún te tocan.

Vuelve otra vez y cógeme en la noche
cuando los labios y la piel recuerdan...

Constantino Cavafis

Versión de José Ángel Valente

Geri Gel

Geri gel sık sık ve beni al,
sevgili şehvet, geri dön ve al beni-
gövdenin anısı uyanınca,
eski tutku kımıldayınca kanda;
dudaklar ve ten hatırlayınca
dokunmuş gibi ürperince el.

Geri gel ve al beni geceleyin,
dudaklar ve ten hatırlayınca.

Konstantinos Kavafis

Çeviri: Barış Pirhasan

Geri Dön

Sık sık geri dön ve alıp götür beni.
Geri dön ve alıp götür beni sevgili duygu,
bedenimin anıları uyanıp, eski arzular
tekrar canlanınca kanımda.
Dudaklar ile ten hatırlayınca ve yeniden
dokunmuş gibi olunca eller.

Geceleri, sık sık geri dön ve alıp götür beni
dudaklar ile ten hatırlayınca.

Konstantinos Kavafis

Çeviri: Ari Çokona

Selfie by Silia Psychi

8 Haziran 2022 Çarşamba

Ὁ Δεϰέμβρης τοῦ 1903 / Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης

Ὁ Δεϰέμβρης τοῦ 1903

Κι ἂν γιά τόν ἔρωτά μου δέν μπορῶ νά πῶ —
ἂν δέν μιλῶ γιά τά μαλλιά σου, γιά τά χείλη, γιά τά μάτια·
ὅμως τό πρόσωπό σου πού ϰρατῶ μές στήν ψυχή μου,
ὁ ἦχος τῆς φωνῆς σου πού ϰρατῶ μές στό μυαλό μου,
οἱ μέρες τοῦ Σεπτέμβρη πού ἀνατέλλουν στά ὄνειρά μου,
τές λέξεις ϰαί τές φράσεις μου πλάττουν ϰαί χρωματίζουν
εἰς ὅποιο θέμα ϰι ἂν περνῶ, ὅποιαν ἰδέα ϰι ἂν λέγω.

Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης

December 1903

And if I cannot speak about my love—
if I do not talk about your hair, your lips, your eyes,
still your face that I keep within my heart,
the sound of your voice that I keep within my mind,
the days of September that rise in my dreams,
give shape and colour to my words, my sentences,
whatever theme I touch, whatever thought I utter.

(January 1904)

Constantine P. Cavafy

Translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard

Diciembre de 1903

Aun cuando de mi amor no puedo hablar—
ni tampoco de tus cabellos, de tus labios ni tus ojos;
sin embargo, tu rostro, que guardo en mi alma,
el tono de tu voz, que guardo en mi cerebro,
los días de septiembre, que despuntan en mis sueños,
modelan mis palabras, mis frases y dan color
a cada tema que afronto, a cada idea que expongo.

(Enero 1904)

Constantino Cavafis

Traducción: Pedro Bádenas de la Peña

Il dicembre del 1903

E se non posso dire del mio amore –
se non parlo dei tuoi capelli, delle labbra, degli occhi,
serbo però nell’anima il tuo viso,
il suono della voce nel cervello,
i giorni di settembre che mi sorgono in sogno:
e dan forma e colore a parole e frasi
qualunque tema io tratti, qualunque idea io dica.

(Gennaio 1904)

Costantino Kavafis

Traduzione di Nicola Crocetti

(da “Poesie erotiche”, Crocetti Editore, 1983)

Decembre 1903

Même si je ne peux pas parler de mon amour -
si je ne dis rien de tes cheveux, de tes yeux, de tes lèvres ;
ton visage pourtant reste gravé dans mon esprit,
le son de ta voix reste gravé dans ma mémoire,
et ces jours de septembre qui pointent dans mes rêves
donnent forme et couleur à mes mots, à mes phrases,
quel que soit mon sujet, quelque idée que j'énonce.

(Janvier 1904)

Constantin Cavafy

Aralık 1903

Konuşamıyorsam aşkımdan—
söz etmiyorsam saçlarından, dudaklarından, gözlerinden,
yüreğimde sakladığım yüzün,
aklımda çınlayan sesin,
düşlerime giren o eylül günleridir
veren biçimini, rengini sözlerime, cümlelerime
hangi konuya değinsem, hangi düşünce gelse dilime.

(Ocak 1904)

Konstantinos Kavafis

Çeviri: Erdal Alova


Nunca dejes de sonreír, ... / Gabriel García Márquez

"Nunca dejes de sonreír, ni siquiera cuando estés triste, porque nunca sabes quien se puede enamorar de tu sonrisa." ~ Gabriel García Márquez

"Never stop smiling not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile." ~ Gabriel García Márquez

"Non smettere mai di sorridere, nemmeno quando sei triste, perché non sai mai chi potrebbe innamorarsi del tuo sorriso." ~ Gabriel García Márquez

"N'arrête jamais de sourire, même si tu es triste, car tu ne sais pas qui pourrait tomber amoureux de ton sourire." ~ Gabriel García Márquez

"Hiçbir zaman gülümsemekten vazgeçme, üzgün olduğunda bile. Gülümsemene kimin, ne zaman aşık olacağını bilemezsin." ~ Gabriel García Márquez

Selfie by Alice

7 Haziran 2022 Salı

Memoria de mis putas tristes / Gabriel García Márquez

"Desperté de madrugada sin recordar dónde estaba. La niña seguía dormida de espaldas a mí en posición fetal. Tuve la sensación indefinida de que la había sentido levantarse en la oscuridad, y de haber oído el desagüe del baño, pero lo mismo pudo ser un sueño. Fue algo nuevo para mí. Ignoraba las mañas de la seducción, y siempre había escogido al azar las novias de una noche más por el precio que por los encantos, y hacíamos amores sin amor, medio vestidos las más de las veces y siempre en la oscuridad para imaginarnos mejores. Aquella noche descubrí el placer inverosímil de contemplar el cuerpo de una mujer dormida sin los apremios del deseo o los estorbos del pudor."

Gabriel García Márquez - (Memoria de mis putas tristes / 2004)

"I woke in the small hours, not remembering where I was. The girl still slept in a fetal position, her back to me. I had a vague feeling that I had sensed her getting up in the dark and had heard water running in the bathroom, but it might have been a dream. This was something new for me. I was ignorant of the arts of seduction and had always chosen my brides for a night at random, more for their price than their charms, and we had made love without love, half-dressed most of the time and always in the dark so we could imagine ourselves as better than we were. That night I discovered the improbable pleasure of contemplating the body of a sleeping woman without the urgencies of desire or the obstacles of modesty."

Gabriel García Márquez - (Memories of My Melancholy Whore / 2004)

Translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman

"Mi svegliai all'alba senza ricordare dov'ero. La ragazza continuava a dormire voltandomi la schiena in posizione fetale. Ebbi l'impressione indefinita di averla sentita alzarsi nel buio, e di avere udito lo sciacquone del bagno, ma avrebbe anche potuto essere un sogno. Fu una cosa nuova per me. Ignoravo le scaltrezze della seduzione, e avevo sempre scelto a casaccio le fidanzate di una notte più per il prezzo che per le grazie, e facevamo un amore senza amore, semivestiti il più delle volte e sempre al buio per immaginarci migliori. Quella notte scoprii il piacere inverosimile di contemplare il corpo di una donna addormentata senza le urgenze del desiderio o gli intralci del pudore."

Gabriel García Márquez - (Memoria delle mie puttane tristi / 2004)

Traduzione di Angelo Morino

"Sabahın erken saatinde nerede olduğumu hatırlayamayarak uyandım. Kız, sırtı bana dönük olarak cenin gibi kıvrılmış uyuyordu hâlâ. Onun karanlıkta kalktığını ve banyoda sifonun sesini duymuşum gibi belirsiz bir duyguya kapılmıştım, ama rüya da olabilirdi. Bu benim için yepyeni bir şeydi. Kadınların baştan çıkarma hünerlerinden haberim yoktu benim, bir gecelik sevgililerimi ben hep hoşluklarından çok ücretleri için seçmiştim, çoğunlukla yarı giyimli olarak ve her defasında birbirimizi olduğumuzdan daha iyi hayal edebilmek için karanlıkta yatarak, sevgisiz sevişirdik. O gece, uyuyan bir kadının vücudunu, arzunun zorlamalarına kapılmadan ya da edep duygusunun engellerine takılmadan seyretmenin inanılmaz zevkini keşfetmiştim."

Gabriel García Márquez - (Benim Hüzünlü Orospularım / 2004)

İspanyolca aslından çeviren: İnci Kut / Can Yayınları

Patricia Velasquez, book "Acqua Pantelleria", 1992,
by Fabrizio Ferri

A Moveable Feast / Ernest Hemingway

"Life had seemed so simple that morning when I had wakened and found the false spring and heard the pipes of the man with his herd of goats and gone out and bought the racing paper.

But Paris was a very old city and we were young and nothing was simple there, not even poverty, nor sudden money, nor the moonlight, nor right and wrong nor the breathing of someone who lay beside you in the moonlight."

Ernest Hemingway - (A Moveable Feast, 1964)

"La vie m’avait paru si simple ce matin-là, quand, au réveil, j’avais découvert le faux printemps et entendu le pipeau du berger conduisant ses chèvres, et lorsque j’étais sorti pour acheter le journal des courses.

Mais Paris était une très vieille ville et nous étions jeunes et rien n’y était simple, ni même la pauvreté, ni la richesse soudaine, ni le clair de lune, ni le bien, ni le mal, ni le souffle d’un être endormi à vos côtés dans le clair de lune."

Ernest Hemingway - (Paris est une fête, 1964)

Traduit de l’anglais par Marc Saporta

"Tan sencilla que me había parecido la vida aquella mañana, cuando me desperté y vi la falsa primavera, y oí la flauta del hombre de las cabras, y salí a comprar el periódico de caballos.

Pero París era una muy vieja ciudad y nosotros éramos jóvenes, y allí nada era sencillo, ni siquiera el ser pobre, ni el dinero ganado de pronto, ni la luz de la luna, ni el bien ni el mal, ni la respiración de una persona tendida a mi lado bajo la luz de la luna."

Ernest Hemingway - (París era una fiesta, 1964)

Traducción: Gabriel Ferrater

"O sabah uyanıp şaşkın bahara çattığımda, keçi sürüsüyle geçen adamın kavalını duyduktan sonra dışarı çıkıp yarış gazetesini aldığımda yaşam öyle yalın görünmüştü ki...

Oysa Paris çok eski bir kentti, biz ise gençtik: hiçbir şey yalın değildi orda, yoksulluk bile: ve ne kolay para, ne ayışığı, ne doğru ve ne yanlış, ne de ayışığında yanınızda yatan birinin soluklanışı: hiçbir şey."

Ernest Hemingway - (Paris Bir Şenliktir, 1964)

Türkçesi: Saydam Özel

(Bilgi Yayınları. Birinci Basım. Ağustos 1975. 236s)

Ernest Hemingway in His Apartment.
Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Paris, 1924.
Uncredited Photographer.

Mes photos sont autant de petits cailloux noirs et blancs ... / Jeanloup Sieff

"Mes photos sont autant de petits cailloux noirs et blancs que j’aurais semé pour retrouver le chemin qui me ramènerait à l’adolescence." ~ Jeanloup Sieff

"My pictures are like many little black and white rocks I left here and there in order to find my way back to my teenage years." ~ Jeanloup Sieff

Vive la France, Paris, 1984, by Jeanloup Sieff

2 Haziran 2022 Perşembe

Έτσι πολύ ατένισα – / Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης

Έτσι πολύ ατένισα –

Την εµορφιά έτσι πολύ ατένισα,
που πλήρης είναι αυτής η όρασίς µου.

Γραµµές του σώµατος. Κόκκινα χείλη. Μέλη ηδονικά.
Μαλλιά σαν από αγάλµατα ελληνικά παρµένα·
πάντα έµορφα, κι αχτένιστα σαν είναι,
και πέφτουν, λίγο, επάνω στ’ άσπρα µέτωπα.
Πρόσωπα της αγάπης, όπως τα ’θελεν
η ποίησίς µου… µες στες νύχτες της νεότητός µου,
µέσα στες νύχτες µου, κρυφά, συναντηµένα…

Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης

So Much I Gazed

So much I gazed on beauty,
that my vision is replete with it.

Contours of the body. Red lips. Voluptuous limbs.
Hair as if taken from greek statues;
always beautiful, even when uncombed,
and it falls, slightly, over white foreheads.
Faces of love, as my poetry
wanted them.... in the nights of my youth,
in my nights, secretly, met....

Constantine P. Cavafy

Translation copyright © 1975, 1992 by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard.

I Have Gazed So Much

At beauty I have gazed so much
That my vision is filled with it.

The body’s lines. Red lips.
Limbs made for pleasure.
Hair like something taken from Greek statues:
Always lovely, even when it’s uncombed,
And falls, a bit, upon the gleaming brow.
Faces of love, exactly as
My poetry wanted it . . . in the nights of my youth,
Secretly encountered in my nights . . .

Constantine P. Cavafy

Translated by Daniel Mendelsohn

I’ve Looked So Much

I’ve looked on beauty so much
that my vision overflows with it.

The body’s lines. Red lips. Sensual limbs.
Hair as though stolen from Greek statues,
always lovely, even uncombed,
and falling slightly over pale foreheads.
Figures of love, as my poetry desired them
…in the nights when I was  young,
encountered secretly in those nights.

Constantine P. Cavafy

(From: Collected poems. Publisher: Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1992)

Guardai cosí fissa

Guardai cosí fissa la bellezza
che se n’è riempito lo sguardo.

Linee del corpo. Labbra rosse. Membra sensuali.
Capelli come da statue greche presi:
anche se spettinati sempre belli,
caduti un po’ sopra le fronti bianche.
Volti d’amore, come li voleva
la mia poesia… le notti della mia giovinezza,
nelle mie notti incontrati di nascosto…

Costantino Kavafis

Traduzione di Nicola Crocetti

(da “Poesie erotiche”, Crocetti Editore, 1983)

J’ai tant contemplé la beauté

J’ai tant contemplé la beauté
que mes yeux en sont remplis.

Lignes du corps. Lèvres rouges. Membres voluptueux.
Cheveux comme pris à des statues grecques ;
toujours beaux, même décoiffés
et retombant un peu sur les fronts clairs.
Visages de l’amour, comme les voulait
ma poésie... dans les nuits de ma jeunesse,
dans mes nuits, visages secrètement rencontrés...

Constantin Cavafy

Así tan intensamente contemplé

Así tan intensamente contemplé la belleza,
que plena está mi vista de ella.

Líneas del cuerpo. Labios rojos. Miembros voluptuosos.
Cabellos como tomados de estatuas griegas:
siempre hermosos, aun cuando están despeinados,
y caen, un poco, sobre las frentes blancas.
Rostros del amor, tal como los anhelaba
mi poesía... en las noches de mi juventud,
en mis noches, furtivamente, hallados...

Constantino Cavafis

Tan intensamente contemple

Tan intensamente contemple la hermosura,
que llena está mi vista de ella.

Líneas del cuerpo. Labios rojos. Miembros placenteros.
Cabellos como tomados de estatuas griegas,
siempre hermosos, incluso despeinados,
sobre pálidas frentes algo caídos.
Rostros de amor como los quiso
mi poesía... en las noches de mi juventud,
en mis noches, encontrados a escondidas...

Constantino Cavafis

Traducción: Pedro Bádenas de la Peña

Öyle Çok Baktım Ki

Öyle çok baktım ki güzelliğe
onunla dopdolu hayalim.

Gövdenin hatları. Kırmızı dudaklar. Hazla dolu kollar bacaklar
Sanki Yunan yontularından alınmış saçlar,
her zaman güzel, taranmış olsalar da,
hafifçe düşüvermiş solgun alınlara.
Aşkın yüzleri, tam şiirimin
istediği gibi… gençliğimin gecelerinde,
gizlice buluştuğum gecelerinde.

Konstantinos Kavafis

Çeviri: Erdal Alova

Judean Desert Nude by Alex Vanzetti

At A Bach Concert/ Adrienne Rich

At A Bach Concert

Coming by evening through the wintry city
We said that art is out of love with life.
Here we approach a love that is not pity.

This antique discipline, tenderly severe,
Renews belief in love yet masters feeling,
Asking of us a grace in what we bear.

Form is the ultimate gift that love can offer -
The vital union of necessity
With all that we desire, all that we suffer.

A too-compassionate art is half an art.
Only such proud restraining purity
Restores the else-betrayed, too-human heart.

Adrienne Rich

En un concierto de Bach

Atravesando la ciudad en una noche de invierno
Dijimos que el arte y la vida son polos opuestos.
Aquí nos acercamos a un amor que no conoce la lástima.

Esta anciana disciplina, severamente tierna,
Renueva la creencia en el amor y sin embargo controla el sentimiento,
Convirtiendo lo que soportamos en una bendición.

La forma es la ofrenda más grande que el amor puede ofrecer -
La unión vital de la necesidad
Con todo lo que deseamos, todo lo que sufrimos.

Un arte demasiado compasivo es apenas un arte a medias.
Sólo tan altiva y comedida pureza
Restaura el demasiado traicionado corazón humano.

Adrienne Rich

Versión de Jaime Manrique Ardila

Bir Bach Konserinde

Sanat aşkla yaşamak içindir, dedik
Kış kentinden geçerken akşam vakti.
İşte acıma olmayan bir aşka yaklaşıyoruz.

Bu nazikçe haşin antik disiplin,
Aşka inancı yenilerse de egemen olur duyguya,
İncelik isteyerek bizden.

Aşkın sunabildiği en büyük armağandır oluşan -
Tüm arzularımızla, tüm çektiklerimizle
Yaşam için gerekli birleşim.

Çok sevecen sanat yarım bir sanattır.
Bu görkemli, gem vuran arılık onarır ancak
O hep ihanet edilmiş, çok insancıl yüreği.

Adrienne Rich

Türkçesi: Baki Yiğit

Morning hymn at Sebastian Bachs',
(Johann Sebastian Bach in a circle with his family). 1870,
by Toby Edward Rosenthal (1848-1917).