Before sunrise you’ll set out
When the sea is all white
With the passion of holding the oars in your palms
And the joy of doing a job,
You will go!
You will go over the waves made by trawler nets.
Fish will come on the way greeting you;
You will be happy
As you shake the nets.
The sea will pour out of your hands glittering.
When the souls of the seagulls are at rest
In their graves on the rocks.
Then all of a sudden
A big commotion will shake the horizon:
Could that be the mermaids, or the birds?
Could that be holidays, festivals or merrymaking?
Could that be wedding processions, bridal adornments or fireworks?
What are you waiting for? Jump into the sea.
Never mind if someone is waiting for you.
Can’t you see it is freedom everywhere...
Become the sail, the rudder, the fish and the water
Go as far as you can go.
Orhan Veli Kanık
Translated by Nilufer Mizanoglu
Before the sun is up,
When the sea is still brilliant white, you’ll set off.
The pull of oars in your palms,
And the joy of work in your heart,
You’ll set out.
On the swell and roll of nets, you’ll set out.
Fish will meet you and mark your course,
And you’ll be overjoyed.
When they shake the nets
Sea will come to your hands, scale by scale,
When the seagulls’ souls are stilled
In their rocky graves,
New hope will break out on the horizon.
Mermaids and flocks of birds,
Or carnivals, parades, or festivals?
Wedding dances and circus acts or fairground rides?
What are you waiting for, throw yourself overboard,
Forget who’s waiting for you on shore.
Don’t you see, freedom is everywhere.
Be the sail, the oar, the rudder, the fish, the sea.
Go wherever you can.
Orhan Veli Kanık
Translated by George Messo
Gün doğmadan,
Deniz daha bembeyazken çıkacaksın yola.
Kürekleri tutmanın şehveti avuçlarında,
İçinde bir iş görmenin saadeti,
Gideceksin ırıpların çalkantısında.
Balıklar çıkacak yoluna, karşıcı;
Ağları silkeledikce
Deniz gelecek eline pul pul;
Ruhları sustuğu vakit martıların,
Kayalıklardaki mezarlarında,
Bir kıyamettir kopacak ufuklarda.
Denizkızları mı dersin, kuşlar mı dersin;
Bayramlar seyranlar mı dersin,
Şenlikler cümbüşler mi?
Gelin alayları, teller, duvaklar,
Donanmalar mı?
Ne duruyorsun be, at kendini denize:
Geride bekliyenin varmış, aldırma;
Görmüyor musun, Her yanda hürriyet;
Yelken ol, kürek ol, dümen ol, balık ol, su ol;
Git gidebildiğin yere...
Orhan Veli Kanık
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Photo by Ara Guler |
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