Abril de 1919
El mar es
el Lucifer del azul.
El cielo caído
por querer ser la luz.
¡Pobre mar condenado
a eterno movimiento,
habiendo antes estado
quieto en el firmamento!
Pero de tu amargura
te redimió el amor.
Pariste a Venus pura,
y quedose tu hondura
virgen y sin dolor.
Tus tristezas son bellas,
mar de espasmos gloriosos.
Mas hoy en vez de estrellas
tienes pulpos verdosos.
Aguanta tu sufrir,
formidable Satán.
Cristo anduvo por ti,
mas también lo hizo Pan.
La estrella Venus es
la armonía del mundo.
¡Calle el Eclesiastés!
Venus es lo profundo
del alma...
...Y el hombre miserable
es un ángel caído.
La tierra es el probable
Paraíso Perdido.
Federico García Lorca - (Libro de Poemas, 1921)
April 1919
The sea is
the Lucifer of the blue.
The sky fallen
because it wanted to be the light.
Poor sea, condemned
to eternal movement,
though formerly you were
stationary in the firmament!
But from your bitterness
you were redeemed by love.
You gave birth to pure Venus,
and your depths remained
virginal, not feeling pain.
Your sad moods are beautiful,
sea of glorious spasms.
But today in place of stars
you have greenish octopuses.
Endure your suffering,
formidable Satan.
Christ walked on you,
but so did Pan.
The star Venus is
the harmony of the world.
Let Ecclesiastes be silent!
Venus is the depths
of the soul ...
... And wretched man
is a fallen angel.
The earth is probably
our lost paradise.
Federico García Lorca
Translated by Stanley Appelbaum
April 1919
The sea is
the Lucifer of blue.
The sky fallen
for wanting to be the light.
Poor sea! condemned
to eternal movement
having been before
a stillness in the firmament.
But from your bitterness
love redeemed you.
You brought forth Venus
without blemish
your depth diminished
without travail, virgin.
Your glooms are beautiful, sea,
your glorious spasms.
Besides, today, in place of stars
you have cuttlefish, viridescent.
Formidable Satan
suffers when you suffer.
Christ walked upon you, but
then, so did Pan.
The star Venus is
the world's harmony.
Calle el Eclesiastes!
Venus is the soul-depth of
the soul...
...And man, miserable, a
fallen angel.
And earth is the probable
paradise that was lost.
Federico García Lorca
Translated by Paul Blackburn
Avril 1919
La mer est
Le Lucifer de l’azur.
Le ciel tombé
Pour avoir voulu être lumière.
Pauvre mer condamnée
A l’éternel mouvement,
Après avoir connu
La paix du firmament !
Mais de ton amertume
Te délivra l’amour.
Tu fis naître Vénus,
Gardant tes profondeurs
Vierges et sans douleur.
Tes tristesses sont belles,
Mer aux glorieux spasmes.
Mais en place d’étoiles
Tu as des poulpes verts.
Supporte ton tourment,
Formidable Satan.
Christ marcha sur tes flots
Mais Pan le fit aussi.
L’étoile Vénus est
L’harmonie du monde.
Silence, l’Ecclésiaste !
Vénus est le profond
De l’âme...
...Et l’homme misérable
Est un ange déchu.
Et la terre, sans doute,
Le paradis perdu.
Federico García Lorca, Mer, dans le Livre de poèmes, 1919.
Aprile 1919
Il mare
è il Lucifero dell’azzurro.
Il cielo caduto
per voler essere la luce.
Povero mare condannato
a eterno movimento,
dopo aver conosciuto
la calma del firmamento!
Ma nella tua amarezza
ti redense l’amore.
Partoristi Venere pura
e la tua profondità
restò vergine, senza dolore.
Le tue tristezze sono belle,
mare di spasimi gloriosi.
Ma oggi invece di stelle
hai verdi polipi.
Sopporta il tuo dolore,
formidabile Satana.
Cristo ha camminato sulle tue onde,
ed anche Pan.
La stella Venere è
l’armonia del mondo.
Taccia l’Ecclesiaste!
Venere è il profondo
...E l’uomo miserabile
è un angelo caduto.
La terra è il probabile
Paradiso perduto.
Federico García Lorca
da: Libro de poemas (1921) in “Tutte le poesie”; Garzanti, traduzione di Carlo Bo.
Nisan 1919
İblis’idir mavinin
Düşmüş gök
hep ışık olmak için.
O sonsuz çalkantıya
mahkûm zavallı deniz
dirliği tanıdıktan
sonra gökkubbedeki!
Ama aşk kurtaracak
acılığından seni.
Venüs’ü doğurdun sen,
el değmemiş, ağrısız
tutup derinliğini.
Sende hüznün güzeli,
görkemli kasılmalar.
Sende yıldız yerine
yeşil ahtapotlar var.
Katlan acılarına
ey korku veren Şeytan.
Sende yürüdü İsa
ve sende yürüdü Pan.
Venüs yıldızı eşsiz
uyumudur dünyanın.
Kilise adamı, sus!
Venüs derinliğidir
...ve şu zavallı insan
düşmüş bir melek elbet.
Ve belki de yeryüzü
yitirdiğimiz cennet.
Federico García Lorca
Çeviri: Sait Maden
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Antarctica by Pete McBride |
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