Oh amor, oh rayo loco y amenaza purpúrea,
me visitas y subes por tu fresca escalera
el castillo que el tiempo coronó de neblinas,
las pálidas paredes del corazón cerrado.
Nadie sabrá que sólo fue la delicadeza
construyendo cristales duros como ciudades
y que la sangre abría túneles desdichados
sin que su monarquía derribara el invierno.
Por eso, amor, tu boca, tu piel, tu luz, tus penas,
fueron el patrimonio de la vida, los dones
sagrados de la lluvia, de la naturaleza
que recibe y levanta la gravidez del grano,
la tempestad secreta del vino en las bodegas,
la llamarada del cereal en el suelo.
Pablo Neruda - (Cien sonetos de amor, 1959)
O love, O crazy sunbeam and purple premonition,
you come to me and climb your cool stairway,
the castle that time has crowned with fog,
palé walls of a closed heart.
No one else will know that only a delicacy could do it,
building its crystals as strong as a city;
that the blood poured open its sad tunnels, but its strength
never did overpower the winter. Love,
that is why your mouth, your skin, your light, your sadnesses
were all the patrimony of life, the blessed
gift of the rain, of the natural world
that holds and lifts the pregnant seeds,
the secret storm of the wine in the cellars,
the fiare of the cora in the soil.
Pablo Neruda - (100 Love Sonnets, 1959)
Translated by Stephen Tapscott
Oh love, oh mad light-beam, threat of violet,
you visit me, and climb, by your cool stairway
the tower that time has crowned with mist,
the ashen walls of an enclosed heart.
No one will know it was grace alone,
constructed crystals strong as citadels
and blood opened desolate tunnels
without its sovereignty dispelling winter.
So, love: your mouth, skin, light, sorrows,
were the bequest of life, the sacred
gifts of the rainfall, and of nature
that receives and lifts the weight of seed,
the hidden tumult of wine in casks,
the blaze of wheat under the ground.
Pablo Neruda - (100 Love Sonnets, 1959)
Translation by A. S. Kline
Oh amore, oh lampo pazzo e minaccia purpurea,
mi visiti e sali per la tua fresca scala
il castello che il tempo coronò di nebbie,
le pallide pareti del cuore chiuso.
Nessuno saprà che fu solo la delicatezza
che costruì i cristalli duri come città
e che il sangue apriva gallerie sventurate
senza che la sua monarchia abbattesse l'inverno.
Per questo, amore, la tua bocca, la pelle, la luce, le tue pene,
furono il patrimonio della vita, i doni
sacri della pioggia, della natura
che riceve e innalza la gravidanza del grano,
la tempesta segreta del vino nelle cantine,
la fiammata del cereale sulla terra.
Pablo Neruda - (Cento Sonetti D'amore, 1959)
Ah aşkım, ah deli ışık, tehlikeli dulavrat otu,
ziyaret edersin beni ve tırmanırsın teni çatılmış merdiveninle
kalesinde isle taçlanmış zamanın,
kapalı yüreğin solgun duvarlarına.
Kimseler bilmeyecek, yalnız inceliğin vardı
saf camlardan şehirler kuran,
mutsuz tüneller açmıştı kan
kışın devirdiği saltanatından uzak.
Bu yüzden, aşkım, ağzın, ayakların, ışığın, acıların,
yaşamdan miras kaldılar, kutsal armağanları
yağmurun doğallığın;
Buğdayın gebeliğini taşıyıp yükseltiyor onlar,
fırçalarda şarabın gizli iklimini,
yerde parıltıyla yanışını tahılın.
Pablo Neruda - (Yüz Aşk Sonesi’nden, 1959)
Çeviri: Adnan Özer
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