Gérard de Nerval - (Sylvie)
"The only refuge left to us was the poet's ivory tower, which we climbed, ever higher, to isolate ourselves from the mob."
Gérard de Nerval - (Sylvie)
"Como único asilo sólo nos quedaba la torre de marfil propia de los poetas, a la que subíamos cada vez más alto para aislarnos de la muchedumbre."
Gérard de Nerval - (Sylvie)
"Bize kalan tek sığınak, kalabalıktan gitgide uzaklaşmak için durmadan tırmandığımız fildişi kuledir."
Gérard de Nerval - (Sylvie)
Leave me here, by Thymournia |
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