1 Eylül 2019 Pazar

À peine défigurée / Paul Éluard

À peine défigurée

Adieu tristesse
Bonjour tristesse
Tu es inscrite dans les lignes du plafond
Tu es inscrite dans les yeux que j’aime
Tu n’es pas tout a faire la misère
Car les lèvres les plus pauvres te dénoncent
Par une sourire
Bonjour tristesse
Amour des corps aimables
Puissance de l’amour
Dont l’aimabilité surgit
Comme un monstre sans corps
Tête désappointée
Tristesse beau visage

Paul Éluard - (La vie immédiate)

Scarcely Disfigured

Farewell sadness
Greeting sadness
Thou art inscribed in the lines of the ceiling
Thou art inscribed in the eyes that I love
Thou art not altogether want
For the poorest lips denounce thee
Greeting sadness
Love of the bodies that are lovable
Mightiness of love that lovable
Starts up as a bodiless beast
Head of hope defeated
Sadness countenance of beauty

Paul Eluard

Translated by Samuel Beckett

Barely Disfigured

Goodbye sadness,
Good morning sadness.
You are registered in the ceiling lines.
You are registered in the eyes that I love
You are not quite the misery,
Because the poorest lips denounce you
By a smile.

Good morning sadness.
Love of kind bodies.
Power of love
Whose kindness pops up
Like a monster without a body.
Head disappointed.
Sadness, beautiful face.

Paul Eluard

Barely Disfigured

Farewell Sadness
Hello Sadness
You are inscribed in the lines on the ceiling
You are inscribed in the eyes that I love
You are not poverty absolutely
Since the poorest of lips denounce you
Ah with a smile
Hello Sadness
Love of kind bodies
Power of love
From which kindness rises
Like a bodiless monster
Unattached head
Sadness beautiful face.

Paul Eluard

Adiós tristeza...

Adiós tristeza.
Buenos días tristeza.
Estás inscrita en las líneas del techo.
Estás inscrita en los ojos que amo.
Tú no eres exactamente la miseria,
pues los más pobres labios te denuncian
por una sonrisa.
Buenos días tristeza.
Amor de los cuerpos amables,
potencia del amor,
cuya amabilidad surge
como un monstruo incorpóreo.
Cabeza sin punta,
tristeza bello rostro.

Paul Eluard

Addio tristezza...

Addio tristezza
Buongiorno tristezza
Sei scritta nelle linee del soffitto
Sei scritta dentro gli occhi che amo
Tu non sei tutto quello che porta la miseria
Perché le labbra dei più poveri ti annunciano
con un sorriso.
Buongiorno tristezza
Amore dei corpi gentili
Essenza dell’amore
da cui sorge l’amabilità
Come un mostro senza corpo
Testa delusa
Tristezza, bel viso.

Paul Eluard


Elveda hüzün
Günaydın hüzün
Tavanların çizgilerinde yazılı
Sevdiğim gözlerde yazılı
Sen düpedüz sıkıntı değilsin yüreğe basan
Dudakların en acınacağı belirtir seni
Bir gülümsemeyle
Günaydın hüzün
Sevilen bedenlerin aşkı
Aşkın gücü
Canayakınlık boy atar orda
Bedensiz bir canavar gibi
Acılı başıyla
Güzel yüzlü hüzün

Paul Eluard

Çeviri: Sabahattin Kudret Aksal

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