18 Mart 2017 Cumartesi

La tzigane / Guillaume Apollinaire


La tzigane savait d’avance
Nos deux vies barrées par les nuits
Nous lui dîmes adieu et puis
De ce puits sortit l’Espérance

L’amour lourd comme un ours privé
Dansa debout quand nous voulûmes
Et l’oiseau bleu perdit ses plumes
Et les mendiants leurs Ave

On sait très bien que l’on se damne
Mais l’espoir d’aimer en chemin
Nous fait penser main dans la main
À ce qu’a prédit la tzigane

Guillaume Apollinaire

(Alcools – poèmes 1898-1913)


The gypsy knew in advance
Our two lives star-crossed by night
We said farewell to her and then
from that deep well Hope began

Love heavy a performing bear
Danced upright when we wanted
And the blue bird lost his plumes
And the beggars lost their Ave

We knew quite well that we were damned
But hope of love in the street
Made us think hand in hand
Of what the Gypsy did foresee

Guillaume Apollinaire

Translated by A. S. Kline


The gypsy could already tell
Our lives were blocked by night on night
We said farewell to her and right
Away Hope hurtled from the well

Love heavy as a hungry bear
Danced tall with our two wills for tethers
The bluebird shuffled off its feathers
The beggars lost the will to prayer

We're bound for hell and know full well
But on the way in hope of love
We hand in hand go thinking of
All that the gypsy's words foretell

Guillaume Apollinaire

Translated by A. Z. Foreman


La gitana sabía de antemano
Que las noches barrean nuestras vidas
Le dijimos adiós y de repente
De ese pozo surgió la Esperanza

El amor tan pesado como un oso
Bailó al ritmo de nuestra voluntad
Y el pájaro azul perdió sus plumas
Y los mendigos dóciles sus Ave

Sabemos bien que es fácil condenarse
Pero el amor cogidos de la mano
Nos hizo pensar mientras caminábamos
En lo que la gitana nos predijo

Guillaume Apollinaire

Traducción de Juan Abeleira

(Alcoholes. Ediciones Hiperión, Madrid, 1997.)


La zingara conosceva già da prima
Le nostre due vite sbarrate dalle notti
Noi le dicemmo addio e poi
Da quel pozzo uscì la Speranza

L'amore pesante come un orso ammaestrato
danzò diritto quando volemmo
E l'uccello azzurro perse le piume
E i mendicanti gli Ave

Si sa bene che ci si danna
Ma la speranza di amare in cammino
Ci fa pensare la mano nella mano
A ciò che ha predetto la zingara.

Guillaume Apollinaire


Çingene kız bilmekteydi önceden
Geceyle bölünmüştür ikimizin de yaşamı
Onunla vedalaştık ve az sonra
Umut çıktı bu kuyunun içinden

Evcil bir ayıydı aşk ağır mı ağır
Biz istedik o ayakta oynadı
Ve tüylerini yitirdi mavi kuş
Dilencilerse dualarını

Herkes bilir ki cehennemliktir insan
Ama yoldayken bile sevme umudu
El ele düşündürüyor bize
Çingene kızın falda okuduğunu

Guillaume Apollinaire

Çeviri: Gertrude Durusoy – Ahmet Necdet

(Alkoller, Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul, 1997)

Gitanes Cigarettes, 1989-1990, by Herb Ritts

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